Feeling God’s Light in Your Life in Psalm 27:1



Dave Cover


Feeling God’s Light in Your Life in Psalm 27:1


Christians Meditation is entering a solitary place. If not physically, then at least let it be so mentally. This is a quiet time for you to re-integrate and re-calibrate your mind with your body. And re-integrate and re-calibrate your mind and body with God‘s presence with you and in you. This is a time for you to be alone. And to be alone with God. Remember the quote from the apostle Paul in Acts 17:28 – In him you live and move and have your being.

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Psalms 27:1 (NIV)

The LORD is my light and my salvation —

whom shall I fear?

The LORD is the stronghold of my life—

of whom shall I be afraid?

This is poetry so it’s loaded with a lot of words of imagery. Appealing to our imagination.

The LORD. Yahweh. HE IS. 

(HE IS) is my light. 

Life. Overcoming darkness and death.

Genesis 1:2-3 (NIV)

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

Psalms 36:9 (ESV)

For with you is the fountain of life;

in your light do we see light.

2 Tim 1:10 (ESV) 

…Our Savior Christ Jesus…abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

Psalms 56:13 (NIV)

For you have delivered me from death

and my feet from stumbling,

that I may walk before God

in the light of life.

(HE IS) is my salvation. Deliverance. Rescue. Safety. Freedom. Prosperity. Of course what the world calls prosperity is very different than what the Bible calls prosperity. But ultimate salvation in the Bible is never about dying and going to heaven. It’s about living instead of dying. But more than that – it’s about living the life you were meant to live. A life of flourishing. Joy. Freedom. Security. This is the ultimate narrative of the Bible. Heaven is dwelling in the visible presence of God. God is Salvation, and God/heaven is returning to earth and we will have resurrection on a resurrected earth. This is salvation. But the layers of salvation are true for us even now. Even now there is salvation from our emptiness and our chaos and our darkness. Even now there is rescue. Healing. Life. Because the Spirit of God lives in you even now. Even now your body is a temple of his Holy Spirit. You have his life and his joy and his salvation inhabiting your body even now.

(HE IS) is my stronghold. The stronghold of my life. The Hebrew word here for a stronghold means a fortified place. Often these were fortresses on top of a rocky cliff. So same idea as my “rock” and my “fortress” and my “refuge” in other psalms.

Last episode…

Psalm 62:6-7 ESV

He only is my rock and my salvation,

my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

 …My mighty rock, my refuge is God.


00:37 - 19:06 Body Meditation

19:12 - 33:14 Bible Meditation: Psalm 27:1

33:17 - 35:19 Prayer

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Our audio engineer is Diego Huaman.

This podcast is a ministry of The Crossing, a church in Columbia, Missouri, a college town where the flagship campus of the University of Missouri is located.