A Christian Meditation on God Made and Loves Your Body from Psalm 119:73
Dave Cover
A Christian Meditation on God Made and Loves Your Body from Psalm 119:73
Your hands made me and formed me (Ps 119:73. You exist because God formed you and made you. God wants you to exist in his world. God made YOU and formed YOU. But the imaginative language of making and forming is the language of the love and care and detail of an artist for their creation. God specifically created you by his own hand with love and care for every detail. That’s how he sees you now.
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Psalms 119:73 (NIV)
Your hands made me and formed me.
This is imagination. Notice that the “me” the psalmist is referring to includes the body.
You are your body. You are more than your body. But not other than your body.
The biblical view of your body is that it is part of your soul. An eternal part of who you are. That’s why you will have a bodily resurrection in your eternal salvation. Your body – your brain, your spine, your entire central nervous system, all your nerves, your organs, your muscles, all of your cells — your body is part of your soul. Your body needs spiritual life and peace and the rejuvenating sense of God’s presence and love.
This sense of God‘s presence and love starts with less static and noise. This is a time to spiritually nourish your mind and your body. This is a time to focus your entire soul — including your mind and your body — on God‘s light and God‘s life and God‘s love for you.
And to use your biblically guided imagination to feel this reality into your body.
Quietly say to God…
Psalms 119:73 (NIV)
Your hands made me and formed me.
Your imagination is always felt into your body. It’s how God made you. When you wake up from a stressful dream you feel the stress of your imagination into your body. Sweat. Heart racing. Fear. Worry. Unease. But all that was just your imagination. Your imagination is constantly being felt into your body. Your body’s biochemistry.
And that’s also true when it comes to your ability to imagine the reality of God‘s presence and light and life and love. And that imagination affects your body’s biochemistry too.
David meditates on this in…
Psalms 139:13-14 (ESV)
…You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
God created your body and loves your body. It is part of who you are eternally. Ultimately in the resurrection of your body. So you need to embrace your body.
But even now it’s amazing how God has given the body the ability to heal itself. Imagine God’s Spirit right now enabling your body to heal itself. Creating new healthy cells throughout your entire body. Imagine this reality happening everywhere throughout your entire body right now. Imagine it happening right now particularly in those areas where you know it needs to happen.
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Our audio engineer is Diego Huaman.
This podcast is a ministry of The Crossing, a church in Columbia, Missouri, a college town where the flagship campus of the University of Missouri is located.