Christian Meditation for A Bigger Life with Pastor Dave Cover

Christian Meditation can help refocus your mind and recalibrate your body to get the stress, anxiety and anger out of your heart and out of your body. Spend about 23 minutes to "be still" with God as each episode uses a different biblical image to e...

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A Christian Meditation on Imagining Clinging to God in Psalm 63:8

24:01   | 05-05-2022

So much of the Bible gives us imagination more than information. So much of who you want to be and what you want in life is empowered by your imagination. This is why sin always appeals to your imagination. Why the vast majority of commercials appeal to your imagination. But then when we read the Bible we think only in propositional truths. We just think in terms of beliefs we’re supposed to have and commands we’re supposed to do.But that’s not what the Bible is doing most of the time. Most of the time the Bible is giving us imagination more than information.And if you really want to live a life experiencing connection with God, God intends for you to use the power of your imagination. Imagining something that’s very real but that you cannot see.Psalm 63:8 ESVMy soul clings to you;your right hand upholds me.This is imaginative language. God wants you to imagine this. Picture this. Your soul — all of who you are — body and spirit — utterly clinging to God right now. Remember the last time you clung to something. You felt desperate. Fearful to let go. You needed with all your strength to hold on. That’s the image God wants you to have right now with him. Feel this in your body – in your whole self. Imagine your whole being – your soul – clinging to the one who calls himself I AM. The one whose name is Yahweh — he is — the source of all existence. The giver of all life. The one who inhabits eternity. And the one who always connects with you infinitely and intimately in the present moment. Right now. Feel this imagination in your entire body. Feel it from within your body. Your body clinging to the I AM for your very life. He is the source of your existence. The giver of every moment of your life. The one who inhabits eternity and has an eternal glory for you that every moment now somehow fits within. And he is the one who is infinitely and intimately connected with you right now. Your body is a temple of his Holy Spirit. Imagine yourself clinging to God. Feel this image into your body. Your body connected to the I AM right now. You are one — your soul is one — body and spirit — with the God who created and sustains everything in this entire universe. One with the one who is the author of life.Tim KellerPrayer is awe before an infinite force, and yet it's intimacy with a personal friend — at the same time. Who can you share this podcast with? If you found this episode helpful, consider sharing it on social media or texting it to a friend you think might benefit from it.Follow Dave Cover on Twitter @davecoverFollow A Bigger Life on Twitter @ABiggerLifePodOur audio engineer is Diego Huaman.This podcast is a ministry of The Crossing, a church in Columbia, Missouri, a college town where the flagship campus of the University of Missouri is located. 

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A Christian Meditation on God Made and Loves Your Body from Psalm 119:73

24:54   | 05-03-2022

Your hands made me and formed me (Ps 119:73. You exist because God formed you and made you. God wants you to exist in his world. God made YOU and formed YOU. But the imaginative language of making and forming is the language of the love and care and detail of an artist for their creation. God specifically created you by his own hand with love and care for every detail. That’s how he sees you now.If your podcast is a set to skip silent sections, disable that now.Psalms 119:73 (NIV)Your hands made me and formed me.This is imagination. Notice that the “me” the psalmist is referring to includes the body.You are your body. You are more than your body. But not other than your body. The biblical view of your body is that it is part of your soul. An eternal part of who you are. That’s why you will have a bodily resurrection in your eternal salvation. Your body – your brain, your spine, your entire central nervous system, all your nerves, your organs, your muscles, all of your cells — your body is part of your soul. Your body needs spiritual life and peace and the rejuvenating sense of God’s presence and love. This sense of God‘s presence and love starts with less static and noise. This is a time to spiritually nourish your mind and your body. This is a time to focus your entire soul — including your mind and your body — on God‘s light and God‘s life and God‘s love for you. And to use your biblically guided imagination to feel this reality into your body. Quietly say to God…Psalms 119:73 (NIV)Your hands made me and formed me.Your imagination is always felt into your body. It’s how God made you. When you wake up from a stressful dream you feel the stress of your imagination into your body. Sweat. Heart racing. Fear. Worry. Unease. But all that was just your imagination. Your imagination is constantly being felt into your body. Your body’s biochemistry. And that’s also true when it comes to your ability to imagine the reality of God‘s presence and light and life and love. And that imagination affects your body’s biochemistry too.David meditates on this in…Psalms 139:13-14 (ESV)…You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.God created your body and loves your body. It is part of who you are eternally. Ultimately in the resurrection of your body. So you need to embrace your body. But even now it’s amazing how God has given the body the ability to heal itself. Imagine God’s Spirit right now enabling your body to heal itself. Creating new healthy cells throughout your entire body. Imagine this reality happening everywhere throughout your entire body right now. Imagine it happening right now particularly in those areas where you know it needs to happen.Who can you share this podcast with? If you found this episode helpful, consider sharing it on social media or texting it to a friend you think might benefit from it.Follow Dave Cover on Twitter @davecoverFollow A Bigger Life on Twitter @ABiggerLifePodOur audio engineer is Diego Huaman.This podcast is a ministry of The Crossing, a church in Columbia, Missouri, a college town where the flagship campus of the University of Missouri is located. 

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A Christian Meditation on a Heart Cleansed and a Body Washed by Jesus in Hebrews 10:19-22

25:06   | 04-28-2022

When you sprain your ankle in some way and spend the day walking around, by the end of the day it’s very sore. So you put on an ankle boot — a kind of temporary cast — for a while to help your ankle relax in the structure of the cast. It provides relief and helps with healing. That’s what Christian meditation does for your central nervous system. It’s like a boot cast for your central nervous system to relax in the structure of meditation to provide relief and help with healing. You might be tempted to think that a variety of different meditation styles is better because it helps your mind stay interested. But we’re intentionally doing the opposite in this kind of mediation. We’re trying to learn to discipline our mind to be able to focus on getting really good at one thing — a specific kind of meditation with a rhythm of deep breathing and progressive relaxation and biblically guided imagination, so we can reintegrate and recalibrate our body with the spiritual reality of God’s presence and love always IN us and AROUND us. This kind of meditation takes a lot of practice. A lot of new brain wiring through repetition over time. Neuroplasticity — neurons and fire together wire together. When you’re a beginner, your mind is always distracted and wandering and you’re not even quite sure what you’re trying to focus on. Our modern brains have been hardwired with all the quick distractions on our phones and all the fast moving media we are exposed to constantly throughout the day. As a result, our brain is less and less physically wired to be able to focus and concentrate on one thing – especially if it requires developing and using your imagination rather than just passively watching video. With more and more time and practice your mind will learn how to focus better and you will experience a deeper, more healing level of meditation. A more experiential relaxation and recalibrating your body with your mind and soul. And a deeper experience of feeling God‘s presence and love within your body and soul in the present moment. You always connect with God in the present moment rather than always having your mind wander into ruminating about the past or into the uncertainties about the future. This takes time and practice. It means to inhabit your body fully. To feel your entire body from within. Your body is meant to be filled with spiritual reality. Your body needs that or it unconsciously starts to malfunction with tension and stress and anxiety and self protection and clenched muscles and even some forms of chronic pain. This kind of Christian meditation helps your soul embrace your body — recalibrate your soul with your body — and fill your body with the spiritual reality of God’s life-giving presence and love. Hebrews 10:10 (NIV) …We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Hebrews 10:19-22 (NIV) Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through …his body, …Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. This is all imagination language. So imagine yourself entering God‘s most holy presence. But without fear and shame because of the blood of Jesus completely “washing away” your guilt and shame. The body of Jesus taking ALL your sin and guilt and fear and shame upon himself and nailing it to the cross. Use your imagination to see yourself joyfully drawing near to God with full assurance and confidence because your heart has been cleansed from a guilty conscience and your body has been washed with the pure water of Jesus — the fountain of living waters. Imagine your body completely washed. Completely cleansed. All because of Jesus sacrificing his...

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A Very Basic Christian Meditation

24:53   | 04-26-2022

My goal in this podcast — Christian meditation for a bigger life — is to help 21st century Christians in the always distracted digital age — to connect with God with our whole being and sense that embodied connection in each present moment throughout our day. And I think most of us as Christians are often living these unconsciously anxious and tense lives with a kind of bifurcated connection with our own soul and a fragmented connection with God. Where our “Christian faith” has become primarily about certain beliefs about our future rather than an embodied experience right now with the real God who created this entire universe. My story 6 years ago… I read a book by a psychologist that worked at Stanford Medical Center that led to my attending a 6-day clinic in Northern California with the author and his team, along with 10 other attendees, where, among other things, we learned and practiced his protocol for meditation and relaxation. His method of meditation was not tied to any kind of spirituality. Mainly just focusing on relaxing your entire body at once and focusing your mind on feeling your entire body relax as you continue a slow rhythm of breathing. Pretty basic, but effective in rebooting the central nervous system from a sympathetic (limbic system fight or flight) to a parasympathetic (calm and free of tension and stress). But since then, I’ve also read lots of books by various neurologists on the brain and body connection and other books by Buddhist authors on meditation, and I’ve used lots of various audio meditations by all kinds of meditation instructors — lots of Progressive Relaxation or body scan techniques. Almost all of them are tied to a Buddhist spirituality. Buddhists have discovered something real and beneficial, but they’ve misinterpreted the meaning of it. It’s not dissolving the illusion of the self and becoming one with the collective consciousness or Being of the universe, but rather helping our mind re-integrating our soul with our body. There is a transcendence to that that is felt as a mystical experience because we are spiritual beings. But all of these techniques for meditation, while still helpful, were missing the kind of true spiritual experience in meditation and contemplation that the Bible talks about when it talks about meditation. So I decided to try to integrate the two. Which I’ve been doing now for about two years. Taking the best of the non-spiritual kind of meditation protocol I learned in California, along with the best of various mindfulness or Buddhist meditation techniques — and integrating those with previous ways I’ve meditated on Biblical images of my connection with God. And it has made a huge difference in my life. And it’s what I want to help you do in these podcast episodes. I want to give you the basic structure I use for this kind of Christian meditation. Eventually — once you learn the basic structure — you can even do it for a three to five-minute meditation to do easily and quickly at home, at work, before an important meeting, when you’re stuck in traffic, or anytime you have a pain or anxiety flare. You can do it lying flat on your back, or sitting in a chair or sometimes I do it even while walking. It works. Although not in the same way as if I’m lying down. But something is always better than nothing. And it’s a great practice to learn to do whenever you can, wherever you are. I’m going to do it longer in this episode by explaining and giving you more time to learn what to focus on. So I’m going to record this episode and then the next episode will be a shorter Christian meditation without much explanation that you can use whenever. But with practice you can do it as quickly as you need to in any moment. But setting aside a longer time to do it each day (20-30 min) will make a much bigger difference not only in your central nervous system but in your sense of walking with God...

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Christian Meditation 101

29:47   | 04-21-2022

My goal in this podcast — Christian meditation for a bigger life — is to help 21st century Christians in the always distracted digital age — to connect with God with our whole being and sense that embodied connection in each present moment throughout our day. And I think most of us as Christians are often living these unconsciously anxious and tense lives with a kind of bifurcated connection with our own soul and a fragmented connection with God. Where our “Christian faith” has become primarily about certain beliefs about our future rather than an embodied experience right now with the real God who created this entire universe. My story 6 years ago… I read a book by a psychologist that worked at Stanford Medical Center that led to my attending a 6-day clinic in Northern California with the author and his team, along with 10 other attendees, where, among other things, we learned and practiced his protocol for meditation and relaxation. His method of meditation was not tied to any kind of spirituality. Mainly just focusing on relaxing your entire body at once and focusing your mind on feeling your entire body relax as you continue a slow rhythm of breathing. Pretty basic, but effective in rebooting the central nervous system from a sympathetic (limbic system fight or flight) to a parasympathetic (calm and free of tension and stress). But since then, I’ve also read lots of books by various neurologists on the brain and body connection and other books by Buddhist authors on meditation, and I’ve used lots of various audio meditations by all kinds of meditation instructors — lots of Progressive Relaxation or body scan techniques. Almost all of them are tied to a Buddhist spirituality. Buddhists have discovered something real and beneficial, but they’ve misinterpreted the meaning of it. It’s not dissolving the illusion of the self and becoming one with the collective consciousness or Being of the universe, but rather helping our mind re-integrating our soul with our body. There is a transcendence to that that is felt as a mystical experience because we are spiritual beings. But all of these techniques for meditation, while still helpful, were missing the kind of true spiritual experience in meditation and contemplation that the Bible talks about when it talks about meditation. So I decided to try to integrate the two. Which I’ve been doing now for about two years. Taking the best of the non-spiritual kind of meditation protocol I learned in California, along with the best of various mindfulness or Buddhist meditation techniques — and integrating those with previous ways I’ve meditated on Biblical images of my connection with God. And it has made a huge difference in my life. And it’s what I want to help you do in these podcast episodes. So I want to give you the basic structure I use for this kind of Christian meditation. Eventually — once you learn the basic structure — you can even do it for a three to five-minute meditation to do easily and quickly at home, at work, before an important meeting, when you’re stuck in traffic, or anytime you have a pain or anxiety flare. You can do it lying flat on your back, or sitting in a chair or sometimes I do it even while walking. It works. Although not in the same way as if I’m lying down. But something is always better than nothing. And it’s a great practice to learn to do whenever you can, wherever you are. I’m going to do it longer in this episode by explaining and giving you more time to learn what to focus on. So I’m going to record this episode and then the next episode will be a shorter Christian meditation without much explanation that you can use whenever. But with practice you can do it as quickly as you need to in any moment. But setting aside a longer time to do it each day (20-30 min) will make a much bigger difference not only in your central nervous system but in your sense of walking with God

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A Christian Meditation on Being God’s Child Means No Longer Having to Live in Fear in Romans 8:15-16

22:18   | 04-19-2022

This kind of Christian meditation brings the transcendent experience of God into your mind and into your body so that you can literally walk with God throughout your day. And you can keep your body and thoughts from being hijacked by unconscious anxieties and insecurities and stress and tension that causes you to react in fear and self protection rather than to act in the confidence and assurance of God‘s presence in and around you and his love for you and care about every detail in your life. Description: In previous episodes we’ve been meditating on the very first line in what is called the Lord‘s prayer…Our Father in Heaven… In Jesus, this is God telling you how to pray. The first words out of your mouth. The first thought in your mind. Jesus wants you to constantly have an inner confidence that GOD — the I AM — is your Father (the ideal father) and that you are his secure and beloved child. Romans 8:15-16 (NIV) The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Abba was the Aramaic family term a child would call their father. It’s like daddy. It’s not a verse necessarily trying to get you to call God daddy, he’s trying to get you to feel secure in your always-belonging, always-present relationship with him as your father. You belong to him. You are born of God. You are in his family. You are secure in his committed love for you. So that you no longer have to live in fear! Why? You have the Spirit of God IN YOU! Not a spirit of slavery to fear and insecurity and self-protection and anxiety. RATHER, God’s Spirit has guaranteed you are God’s child. An “Abba Father” kind of child. “That YOU ARE God’s child!” And the Spirit of God testifies (is telling you now) with your spirit that this is true– You are God‘s child. But you have to listen to the Spirit to hear him. This is where Christian meditation using your biblically guided imagination can help. And one of the things we want to do in this meditation is re-integrate this truth and anchor it into our bodies and our mind — our soul. Remember… 1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV) Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you…? Who can you share this podcast with? If you found this episode helpful, consider sharing it on social media or texting it to a friend you think might benefit from it. Follow Dave Cover on Twitter (@davecover) Follow A Bigger Life on Twitter (@ABiggerLifePod) Our audio engineer is Diego Huaman. This podcast is a ministry of (The Crossing), a church in Columbia, Missouri, a college town where the flagship campus of the University of Missouri is located.

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A Christian Meditation on Being a Child of God in John 1:9-13

19:57   | 04-14-2022

This kind of Christian meditation brings the transcendent experience of God into your mind and into your body so that you can literally walk with God throughout your day. And you can keep your body and thoughts from being hijacked by unconscious anxieties and insecurities and stress and tension that causes you to react in fear and self protection rather than to act in the confidence and assurance of God‘s presence in and around you and his love for you and care about every detail in your life. Description: In previous episodes we’ve been meditating on the very first line in what is called the Lord‘s prayer…Our Father in Heaven… In Jesus, this is God telling you how to pray. The first words out of your mouth. The first thought in your mind. Jesus wants you to constantly have an inner confidence that GOD — the I AM — is your Father (the ideal father) and that you are his secure and beloved child. John 1:9-10 (NIV) The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. This is all imagery. Jesus gives light and life to everyone. But not everyone recognizes him. John 1:12-13 (NIV) Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. Those who believe in his name. His ultimate authority. HE IS the Good Shepherd, the Way and the Truth and the Life, the Light of the world, the Resurrection and the Life. Our belief in his name is based ultimately on his resurrection. The witness of the apostles. And in your inner spirit, God’s Spirit tells you this is true. You are born of God. That is imaginative language. God created you as a being of imagination. Your imagination empowers your strongest desires and fears. And your imagination directly affects your body. Meditate on this imagery as you feel this truth — you are born of God — you are a child of heaven — you are born of his light — throughout your entire body. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. …Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. Say quietly to yourself… “I recognize Jesus as the one who created the world and gives true light to the world.“ “I receive him. I believe in his name.“ “I am born of God. I am a child of light. I am a child of heaven. I am a child of God.“ Focus on affirming these truths to yourself and feel these truths into your body. Remember… Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Remember… Ephesians 5:8 Now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. Remember… 1 Corinthians 6:11 (NIV) …You were washed, you were sanctified [same Greek word as “hallowed” in Lord’s Prayer], you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Who can you share this podcast with? If you found this episode helpful, consider sharing it on social media or texting it to a friend you think might benefit from it. Follow Dave Cover on Twitter (@davecover) Follow A Bigger Life on Twitter (@ABiggerLifePod) Our audio engineer is Diego Huaman. This podcast is a ministry of (The Crossing), a church in Columbia, Missouri, a college town where the flagship campus of the University of Missouri is located.

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A Christian Meditation on Being a Child of Light in Ephesians 5:8

20:48   | 04-12-2022

God created you as a being of imagination. Your imagination empowers your strongest desires and fears. And your imagination directly affects your body. For example try this: Imagine holding a lemon in your hand. Imagine cutting it in half, and squeezing the tart, yellow juice into a glass and raising it to your mouth. Smell the lemony citrus scent. Take a big mouthful of lemon juice. Feel the tangy juice and pulp on your tongue. Question: Is your mouth watering as though the experience were real? In response to mental images, your brain is activated, triggering the real, physiological response of saliva—even if there’s no lemon in sight. The Bible gives you powerful imagery to activate with your imagination so that your brain and body can experience spiritually transcend reality. A good example of this is… Ephesians 5:8 (NIV) For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. But now you are light in the Lord. This is imagination. It’s power of transformation in your life comes from using your imagination to renew your mind and see yourself this way. Including your whole body. Everything about you. You’re not imagining something that isn’t real, but you’re imagining something that IS that you usually imagine isn’t. Too often our imagination creates a false world inside our minds. You’re reversing that by using your imagination to experience reality instead of living in unreality. We usually don’t think of our lives and bodies according to the reality that every molecule and cell of our body is energized and held together by God. This kind of Christian meditation brings the transcendent experience of God into your mind and into your body so that you can literally walk with God throughout your day. And you can keep your body and thoughts from being hijacked by unconscious anxieties and insecurities and stress and tension that causes you to react in fear and self protection rather than to act in the confidence and assurance of God‘s presence in and around you and his love for you and care about every detail in your life. Who can you share this podcast with? If you found this episode helpful, consider sharing it on social media or texting it to a friend you think might benefit from it. Follow Dave Cover on Twitter (@davecover) Follow A Bigger Life on Twitter (@ABiggerLifePod) Our audio engineer is Diego Huaman. This podcast is a ministry of (The Crossing), a church in Columbia, Missouri, a college town where the flagship campus of the University of Missouri is located.

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A Christian Meditation on Our Father In Heaven in The Lord’s Prayer

20:28   | 04-07-2022

Matthew 6:6, 9 (NIV) (6) But when you [in the singular] pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And then in verse nine Jesus gives what we call the Lord‘s prayer. Let’s just read the first part of it. (9) “This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” That first line of the Lord‘s prayer, “our father in heaven,” immediately defines us perhaps more than anything else we could pray. It says who God is to us. He is our father. The God who created this universe wants us to call him Father. Over and over this is the picture of God that Jesus teaches his disciples. And of course it’s an image that requires our imagination. Many of us have a negative image when we hear the word father. But Jesus has the ideal in mind. So imagine the ideal image of a father. You come from him. He is protecting. Loving. Providing. Comforting. Always committed. Emotionally invested. This is how Jesus wants us to see the God who created this universe in his relationship with us. Use your imagination to see God this way toward you right now. And to feel this truth in your body. Using your imagination, while you’re still focused on your deep and relaxed breathing, feel this image of God in your body. When we meditate on the God who created this universe also being our Father — we are using our imagination to see reality and to place our entire selves — including our whole body — in trusting, surrendered submission before our life-giving, light giving Creator. “Hallowed be your name” – Holy is your name. Holy be your name in me. Another word for the biblical idea of “holy” is “ultimate.” One who is gloriously transcendent. And with that implies completely pure and without any imperfection, any evil, any darkness. Sometimes this line takes away the comfort of the first line of this prayer. But the first words in this prayer — “our father in heaven” — also remind us who we are. We are citizens of heaven. We belong to the family of heaven. Heaven coming back to earth when Jesus returns. This is who we are. And your father is holy, so you are holy too… 1 Corinthians 6:11 (NIV) …You were washed, you were sanctified [same Greek word as “hallowed” in Lord’s Prayer], you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Who can you share this podcast with? If you found this episode helpful, consider sharing it on social media or texting it to a friend you think might benefit from it. Follow Dave Cover on Twitter (@davecover) Follow A Bigger Life on Twitter (@ABiggerLifePod) Our audio engineer is Diego Huaman. This podcast is a ministry of (The Crossing), a church in Columbia, Missouri, a college town where the flagship campus of the University of Missouri is located.

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A Christian Meditation on The Spirit Giving Life to Your Mortal Body in Romans 8:11

24:14   | 04-05-2022

Christian meditation can help refocus your mind on God's presence using biblical imagery to get the stress, anxiety, and anger out of your heart and out of your body. Description: With your imagination on God‘s Spirit in your body, you’re feeling a kind of transcendent sense of quiet. You’re feeling a sense of quiet wonder at the God who created the universe present inside your body. Giving life to your body. Your body is part of your soul. God cares about your body. And because Christ is in you, you (including your body) are one with God right now in this present moment. Romans 8:11 (NIV) …If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you. Remember… 1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV) Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you…? God’s very Spirit lives in you — giving life to your mortal body. Now, (“is living in you” “who lives in you”) and eternally in your future bodily resurrection (“raised Jesus/Christ from the dead”). Use your imagination to feel his life-giving Spirit IN your body right now. Flowing through your veins all throughout your body. Flowing up and down your spine. Giving life to every cell. Every molecule, etc. You’re not imagining something that’s not real. You're imagining something that IS real that you usually imagine isn’t. Too often our false imagination creates a false reality inside our heads. You’re reversing that by using your biblically guided imagination to experience reality instead of unreality. You’re renewing your mind and recalibrating your mind/body connection with the reality of God’s presence around you and within you (Ps 139). We usually don’t think of our lives and bodies according to the reality that every molecule and cell of our body is energized and held together by God. But that’s what the Bible repeatedly tells us. Who can you share this podcast with? If you found this episode helpful, consider sharing it on social media or texting it to a friend you think might benefit from it. Follow Dave Cover on Twitter (@davecover) Follow A Bigger Life on Twitter (@ABiggerLifePod) Our audio engineer is Diego Huaman. This podcast is a ministry of (The Crossing), a church in Columbia, Missouri, a college town where the flagship campus of the University of Missouri is located. 

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